Ugh, I had such a hard time sleeping last night. I have a zillion things running through my mind to get ready to head down to teach at the Scrapbook Vacation Clubs in Florida. Overall, I think I am just excited.
Last week I shipped a 40 lb box of class kits to the owner of the retreat, Dionne. I hope she has help loading it. I had to bring Steve to the PO to help me. Dang, that thing was heavy. But, it felt great to have all of the classes in kits and directions ready......all set for some fun classes. So, now I am in the works of trying to figure out what scrap supplies I want to bring. At this retreat, they have 66 hours of cropping time available, along with the workshops. I've never been to a big crop before, so I'm really excited. It has been suggested to bring *kits* with everything to make pages to save on space and I think that's a great idea. Just trying to decide what I'm going to do will be the hard part. Any tips for packing for crops would be greatly appreciated!
I've been tagged by Melita to list 7 random facts about me. Hmm..... okay here it goes ;)
1. I cannot stand radio commercials or TV commercials. Especially car or truck dealer ones.
2. Sugar Free Red Bull gets me through the hours of 3:00-5:00 pm. I get sooo tired about then.
3. I love listening to hip hop when driving in the car, but sometimes get embarrassed when I realize my stereo is "bumping" down the road and my head is bopping too..haha!
4. I am extremely clumsy and frequently fall down the stairs at my house.
5. I don't like the feeling of sand between my toes or anywhere else ;)
6. I love, love performing on stage and the high/rush I get. I miss that!
7. I listen to "Kidd Kraddick In The Morning" everyday and laugh out loud as I am driving to work. It's a great way to start the day. {It's a radio show that is so funny, but stupid at the same it}
Well, off to Staples to print instructions for tonight's class! Have a great day :)
Tessa Ann Watte